

I read something this morning in my devotional time that hit me like David’s stone hit Goliath.

“Unforgiveness blinds us.  When we refuse to forgive, we think we’re showing that person who hurt us how terrible he or she is.  Whe we withhold the grace (unearned favor and blessing) of forgiveness, we often think we ar punishing the offender, making the person live outside the light of our approval.  Unfortunately, the only one we are punishing is ourselves…To forgive is to enter into deep community with Jesus, the ultimate forgiver.  To forgive doesn’t let the person who wronged you off the hook.  It lets YOU off the hook.”


I have been guilty of this “unforgiveness”.  It seems unfair to just “take it”.  Yet in the midst of my hurt I realize it has to do with understanding that “hurt people, hurt people.”  In other words, the perceived or blatant wrong/offense usually is coming from another place inside the other person.  Maybe something you said or did pushed a “button” and they took it out on you.  Mercy is involved here.  And since we have all been hurt at one time or another, we should use that experience to make us more compassionate and understand of others’ pain.

Maybe they perceive you as inconsiderate, uncaring, or maybe they are just having a hard time at that moment for one reason or another.  Cut them some slack and show them God’s love in your response (that means your facial expressions as well – not fake but genuine caring is a good start).

Compassion, forgiveness, love – it is what Jesus was, and is, about and therefore should take front and center stage in our daily lives.

In our Adult Bible Fellowship class the question was raised, “What does love (Jesus’ brand of love) require of you (in every instance and with every person)?” (Parentheses added for my personal emphasis).

Being hurt and learning to forgive and bless anyway is really hard to do.  Been there.  Yet love is the central theme of the Bible and of Jesus’ ministry.  He could have chosen to not forgive but love ruled – not only in His time on earth but throughout history – especially yours and mine.  (If anyone reading this is has never hurt God with their thoughts, words, or behavior, I would like to meet you!).

Perhaps this is why, even knowing they would do it again, God showed mercy and love to the Israelites and forgave them over and over.  It is why He said forgive seventy times seven.  It is why He chose to humble Himself, Almighty God, and become a human being.  Love – forgiveness, mercy, compassion.  He put Himself in our shoes so that He could show us that love – the kind of love that is limitless and transcends hurt, scorn, misunderstandings, lack of patience, being so caught up in ourselves that we forget that words and actions CAN and DOES hurt others.

Thankfully we can turn to our Heavenly Father and cry “Abba”.  The start of healing both for ourselves and others starts with putting the hurt and our unspeakable pride in the hands of God.  The Holy Spirit can help us forgive and to show the world Jesus in our lives.  Asking Him for help – to be better than petty issues (and even some not so petty issues) is a breath away – a whispered prayer.  If we view others and situations through the filter of God’s love, how would that change our interaction?

Not easy to view every human being as God’s creation and to love them as He does but it is a worthy perspective and goal.



Beach February 27, 2009 018

The definition of grace is “unmerited or undeserved favor.”

I could stop right there and just let you think about that for a moment or two.

But, as you know, I don’t usually stop after a couple of sentences.  Not sure if it is a gift or curse of gab but I hope it is the former.

I have had a couple of interesting days.  They felt like throwbacks to times I have gone through in the last 4 years; times of feeling alone, times of fear, times of discouragement, times of uncertainty, and not seeing even a ray of hope out there.

And I find that when those times come (took me long enough to learn these lessons and obviously still learning), my eyes are not on Jesus; Almighty God who chose me, didn’t give up on me, brought me back, and has my six.  The God of limitless love, power, and, yes, grace in my life, knows every detail and nothing and no one in my life is there without it passing through Him first.

I know some of you are going, “Say what?”  Okay, let’s go back to Job in the Old Testament.  Had everything, lost everything and everyone and his health, had his wife and friends convinced it was something he had done wrong before God.  Yet in his struggles, He did not curse God – he just sought to know what had caused it.  God allowed all of it – not just for Job’s benefit and proving but also for his friends and family to see the almighty hand of God in it.  And remember, God knows our end limits – He never allows more than we can handle – ever.

Have you ever asked “why” when God allows tough or devastating things/people/situations into your life?  Yes, I have thought I needed to learn a lesson.  But today I learned that sometimes it is for someone else or to infuse our precious Lord into the situation through me. It is especially in the times of overwhelm (situations we don’t understand, people that come into our lives) that we HAVE to get still and listen for God to speak – through His Word, inside us, through others.

Praying is the first thought in my mind when things get “scary” in my life – and well it should be.  However, my hardest times also call for getting still – shutting up that endless voice (out loud or in my head) and just speaking His name (I have a hard time focusing when I am actually silent) and listening. Referring back to a few days ago (“Trust Issues”), I made mention of Elijah’s experience with God when he was afraid for his life and hiding.  It was not in the earthquake, or wind, or fire but in a gentle whisper that God spoke.

I know most of us would prefer something definitive, loud, and direct. I recall working with a woman a number of years back that NEVER spoke loudly.  She almost whispered even when she was leading a meeting.  It was most effective.  Why?  People had to be quiet and strain to hear her and that was a huge attention getter.  She was two bosses above me and it was inspiring to watch and listen.

Taking the time to listen and look for God’s grace is a discipline that is difficult in our world, even when we are alone.  We have somehow forgotten how to navigate in the quiet.  Often times we may put on the TV, music, or the radio just to have the illusion of another’s presence even if we are not paying attention.

God didn’t give us this AMAZING grace for fun.  He gave it to draw us to Himself – both in reverence and relationship; as God Almighty and our closest friend; as One who loves beyond comprehension even in the difficulties we face.  His grace IS sufficient and given to us each day so that we will trust and lean on Him. If our lives are care-free, then our dependence and awe in Him and His working fade into the background of our wisps of life on this earth.

The apostle Paul had a thorn in the flesh that he asked God to remove three times because it was a distraction and made life difficult in his ministry.  Yet, God chose to show Paul HIS grace in it all – His power in Paul’s weakness.  Would it have been easier for Paul to minister without it (whatever it was)?  Yes.  But God called upon Paul to rejoice and give thanks in the midst of it to greater show His glory – to be an example of bearing suffering with counter-intuitive joy and reliance on God; to show others as well as Paul that His grace was sufficient for every situation.  God made Paul extremely effective in allowing his tough times and then giving Paul the strength and joy to show God’s power in his life and work.  Call it a gift from God – some are called to it.

My reminder through all of this posting was to keep my eyes and heart with Him who holds my life, NOT the circumstances, people, or difficulties.  Today, I just need to trust His grace and love in my life each moment.  I need to be quiet and listen.  And thank Him for His limitlessness and being bigger than anything/anyone I face.  Amen!

Trust Issues

July 19, 2009 001

I love this picture – total peace and trust.

This is a hot topic for me because I know I can trust Jesus with everything and everyone that comes into my life.  But knowing and doing are the connection points.  If I am to challenge others to “walk the talk” then I must do so as well.  I talk about living and engaging in life as Jesus did – to be more like Him each day.

Well, I got a little nudge about that already this morning.  It was about how much I trust God to handle every detail of my life; to protect and provide for every need and situation.  I hear other voices, well-meaning voices, and I am listening more to them than my God – so wrong.  Granted, God does put other people there who care to help protect us so it is important to listen and weigh their words and motives against God’s Word and His leading;  through His Word, in prayer, through the doors opening and closing to steer me in His direction and plan.  Ultimately it is you/me and God and whether we have been listening and obedient regardless of what the world and others say or do.

I have been through a great deal in the last 4 years.  I, at times, trusted too much and too easily.  Yet, I was certain that however “off” it seemed to others, I was following God’s leading. Sometimes it was easier to not rock the boat. I learned a lot.  Still working on truly hearing HIS whisper above everything and every one in my visible world.  I am listening to trusted council but ultimately it is God’s voice I seek to hear and respond to in the midst.

For instance, I came back across Jesus talking to the disciples about having trust/faith as a little child.  Simple, direct, uncomplicated. (Mark 10:13-16). Notice too that generally little children are relatively untainted by world experience.  As adults we are skeptics and fearful and overwhelmed.  We can’t erase what has flooded our minds but we can give it to God and ask the Holy Spirit to help us be more sensitive to His voice and leading.

Seeing Jesus and hearing Him in the midst of voices, waves, wind, and storms.  Not easy at all.  We are human and we tend to listen to the voices in front of us – the audible ones because they are the loudest and most insistent – that includes media.

In I Kings19 there is a passage that has meant a lot to me as God engaged with Elijah when he had hidden in the wilderness – fearing for his life and the Lord was about to reassure him in a HUGE way:  Verses 11-13 – “The Lord said ‘Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by’. Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind.  After the wind there was an earthquake, bu the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire.  And after the fire came a gentle whisper.  When Elijah heard it, he pulled the cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave.  Then a voice said to him, ‘What are you doing here, Elijah?’ “

Always gets to me that one of the great prophets of the Old Testament still struggled with fear after all God had done for and through him.  It reminded me that my fear was also a lack of faith and trust in the One who holds my life in His hands; the One who has accomplished things in and through me that can only be His working; Creator and Sustainer of Heaven and Earth.

Another of my favorite songs is called “The Voice of Truth” by Casting Crowns. Here is the link:

All He asks is for us to stay close, to keep our eyes on Him, and to listen to His voice above all. Stop striving and freaking out because the world around us seems so messed up and scary at times.  He is In control!   He can take every situation, every detail, every person and use them for His glory and our good.  The question is:  How much do I/we really trust Him?  Is it real/live or is it Christian Memorex?



It’s Not Complicated

_DSC0005-10 Good Morning!  It is Monday and as we go about our day I am praying these words will impact you for Him. What am I referring to regarding not being complicated?  Prayer.

And I love that.  Just saying the name of Jesus is enough especially when you are in the midst of life and you need to focus on Him to just get through whatever it is that is going on. Sometimes people use big, evangelical, church language to pray as if they feel the need to prove to God that they are on task and smart!  Perhaps that is how they were raised – to sound pious. If I have learned little else in the last, especially, two and a half years (since God brought me back on track), it is that the simplest and most honest prayers from the heart are all God asks of us.

Whether is it related to our own situations and relationships or our relationship with Him, simple and honest prayer is the best. See, as a reminder, God knows you and your heart (attitudes and motives) far better than you do already.  He chose you long before the world was even created.  He loves you with a limitless love.  So there is no need to put on airs with God.  Asking for help, praising Him, thanking Him, just basking in His presence and being still – simple like a child – that is the faith and trust He asks of us.

One of the ways I pray has to do with music.  Hey, I figure if King David, who was said to be a man after God’s own heart, did it, then following his example is a good thing!  And those of you who know me well realize that music is a central thing for me – singing out loud and sometimes harmonizing with others (reminds me of Dad back in the day) – fills my heart and mind as nothing else.  Music “speaks” for me when words fail in both my relationship with God and with others in my life.

For me growing up in a great Bible-believing church I sang hymns – I sang them so often that the words are ingrained in my memory.  However, I need to confess that honestly I sang them most of the time without paying attention to the words or the minds and hearts of the writers behind them.  I don’t do that anymore.

In fact, embarassing as it is, tears often flow down my cheeks – not because I want to put on a show but I am just so overwhelmed with His love in my life – He didn’t give up on me, He brought me back, and He chose me before the foundation of the world.  When I think of all that Jesus gave up for me in coming to earth as a human being experiencing our lives firsthand (not that He didn’t understand it before but He showed us how great His love is by humbling Himself to do so) and all He endured to bring us back in right fellowship with Him, I often cry tears of understanding and gratitude.

In prayer it is important to remember that because of that, we are able to come boldly before the very throne of God and have an up close and personal relationship as His sons and daughters.  So reverence is a part of this – praising and thanking Him is another element.  Placing all our needs and desires before Him.  But it doesn’t have to be complicated in language or length.  Simple works.



Money, just for the record does not buy happiness, a perfect life, everything and everyone you want.  Just a reminder.

I actually had a friend quote either a bumper sticker or a button that said, “Whoever said money can’t buy happiness, doesn’t know where to shop.”  Ha!

Then there are those who SAY money can’t buy happiness – then they “keep trying to find it on sale someplace.” (excerpt from Simple Compassion).

I am becoming more and more familiar with the term “enough.”  Yes there are things I would like, places I would like to go, and a home of my own again would be awesome.  But as I look at the reduced collection of things that are still in my possession, I realize that I still have more than enough.  I have clothes, shelter, food, a few niceties.  Yet there is the better half of a garage of stuff that I really don’t want to put back in storage.  I am waiting to see what I may need if V and her other roomie choose me as the third since we will be looking for an entirely new place with three bedrooms.

I have a ton of books – most of the ones I have in boxes, I want to keep but really, other than my photography books, devotionals, reference books, inspirational books, and some magazines I have been using for my journal collages…There are a lot of cool books I could still give away or donate or even hold a garage sale to sell if my current host doesn’t mind.  I was thinking that taking them to an assisted living facility would be good.  Or the community center.

Anyway, a little off topic.  The point that was running through my head is that yes, we need money in our world/society for shelter, clothing, food, helping others with the same.  Yet it is the term “enough” that has me rethinking my needs vs. wants.  Now, I know that we don’t have to strip down to bare minimum to show that we get this concept.  But whenever I consider another purchase of any kind, I consider whether it is necessary, a want, or will benefit others.  I don’t walk around with guilt about it but I am just more mindful.  I have bills to pay and people to pay back for their help and I am not ignoring that as I “borrowed” that money.  I do balance between meeting these obligations and doing what God leads me to do to help others materially and financially.

However, it has made me think a lot about purchases of anything including food.  For instance, a nice piece of cod or sole cooked properly is as much of a treat as buying lobster, Copper River salmon, or other seafood/fish that is much more expensive for day to day.  It doesn’t mean that I can’t occasionally indulge but the key here is “occasionally.”

And I LOVE books, especially Bible-based devotionals that get my heart and mind in line with God.  I have found creative ways to pay for them like, as most of you know,  taking selective surveys that earn me points that I turn into, say, Amazon gift cards that I credit to my account.  Although books aren’t the only thing I use these credits on, they are still a powerful draw.  If I can find used in great condition for less, I am ecstatic.  And once I have a book, unless it is a novel or such, it is pretty much mine forever as I tend to highlight and make notations in them that no one else would want or care about.

The tennis shoes I am wearing (Asics) were completely free including shipping and I didn’t even have Amazon Prime!  I don’t have a lot of shoes but I don’t skimp on quality (no – that doesn’t mean I justify expensive shoes – it means I am careful to choose wisely).

There are things such as groceries that I can do the following with even though I have a budget to adhere to:  Buying more than one if I have a coupon or it is on sale and donating the extra to a food bank or to help someone I know is struggling; looking for the best pricing and quality rather than just purchasing regardless of price for something I want or need; buying the best quality I can afford so that when I donate food it is a treat and shows respect and gives dignity to those who will receive.  Having been on the receiving end before, often just the fact that someone or a store donated something besides generic (by the way, nothing wrong with some of them but if I know something tastes better…) would give me a little joy as I struggled to get things back on track.  Seriously, donating new clothes, even if inexpensive, or a new set of sheets that you have stashed away (haven’t used them in over a year – maybe someone could get good use out of them now), or buying the same foods/brands you would eat in your household – these are small things but important to those who have done without any niceties.

I have a game I play with myself – I take the money that I have saved from coupons, sales, etc. and use that down the road for my own necessities and to help others with a little money.  Maybe on my once a week trip to the coffee shop, I will give a bigger tip or pay for someone’s coffee or at least contribute to their purchase, especially when they have young ones with them or are elderly or just look like they could use a smile.  One never knows when a simple kindness will make a difference especially for the Lord.

So, I hope these thoughts will give you something to consider as you move forward today.  Just be mindful – for God’s glory, to help others especially of the Body of Christ, for what it will mean for your life personally.  Remember: God sees when it comes from your heart – not grudgingly or thinking “I can’t afford to give or give up” – He does supply ALL our needs.  If He urges you to give of yourself or your resources, no matter how meager they may seem, do it joyfully and expectantly, knowing He has you covered!  Not for what you will get out of it but because of His promises to provide what you need.  And He will, abundantly in ways you never saw coming or thought possible!

Sightless Perspective

I think this is a first for me.  I have included a link (see below – cut and paste to your address line) because it made such an impact on me when I saw/heard it.

It’s the old cliche that you don’t appreciate what you have until it is gone.  For some of us, at different times in our lives, this is actually true.

Yes, I appreciate my senses and that I get to experience color and dimension in all of them.  To me each of the senses brings color to my life.

Yet, this took me beyond.  We as believers in Jesus Christ live by faith and not by sight.  Even a blind believer can explain this concept but perhaps in a much deeper way.  Sometimes we are sightless because we refuse to see – or skim past what we see every day.  It is why I appreciate walking, biking, and transit so much – I get to see and appreciate what others don’t – the beauty in God’s creation – the people all around me, the dandelion pushing up through cracks in the sidewalk, the brushstrokes of clouds, the unexpected and unexplained laughter or conversations, the feel of every surface I touch, the scent of roses in the air from a bouquet a man holds for someone or even himself (yes, men do appreciate flowers), the taste of the Altoid I just put in my mouth.

I like how some of these people discribed beauty from inside a person they encounter or know.  Try closing your eyes and thinking about the inner beauty of a person – Jesus knows that beauty beyond our sight in people.

I especially like that “JOY” was described as the most beautiful thing in the world.  And although we use it mostly at the Christmas season, joy, peace, and love are the beauty elements that I seek all year for it is the beauty of Christ in my life.

Pay attention to the beauty in your life with all its intricacies, engineering genius, and creativity – gifts from God.  Sight instead of sightlessness.  Beauty in the midst of ashes.  The music of our days – carefully orchestrated by the hand of God in everything – the perceived good, bad, and ugly from His perspective.

Sit, close your eyes, smile, “see” – You are present in the Presence of Almighty God who loves you with a limitless love, and pours out His grace and power daily in that love for us whether we choose to acknowledge and follow Him or not.  Amazing!




I chose this picture because it reminded me of what lungs look like inside.  Damage or blockage in any of the little bronchiolas can lessen breathing capacity.

Something we all tend to take for granted unless we have lung issues or a disease that makes breathing difficult, for example.

This topic has been coming up for me the last couple of days.  There is a neighbor who has a lung disease and it limits her ability to do just about anything for any extended amount of time.  She had to give up her beloved garden to artificial plants because she can no longer maintain it.

This, in turn, made me thankful that we have a lot of plants, rain, and clean air to breathe.  Many countries, and even areas of our own country, don’t have it.

It made me think about breathing in the grace of God and breathing it out to others – to love as He loved, without reservation or prejudice of any kind.  Not an easy thing to do and we are so imperfect at it.  Yet each day is an opportunity to show God’s limitless love, power, and grace in our lives by the choices, thoughts, and actions we take every minute of our lives here.

Gratitude, praise, humility, acknowledging and living out His grace for His glory.

I know some of you have been reluctant to read this blog because the tone has changed.  While the inspiration and thoughts of before are valid, I am making a conscious decision to pursue my life in Christ.  As such, I will seek His inspiration and share it with you as He shares it with me.  If you don’t know my Lord, you may not get it.  But I hope you see and sense it in my intentional living each day.  Perhaps you may ask me what makes the difference one day – I would gladly share it with you if you ask.

Breathing – for me every breath is an opportunity to commune with the best and the reason for my life and joy today – Jesus.

So today, when you take a breath, I hope you will think about Him and ask Him to reveal, or continue to reveal Himself to you.  May you be amazed in His Presence and Love.

Things That Make You Go Hmmmmmmm


Ever try to fill a gap that you didn’t realize you had with something you don’t really need?

Just realized that my lack of sleep over the last two nights has actually caused a kind of clarity about a gap in me. This might be a little difficult to explain so I ask you to be patient and just roll with it.

I fell back into a bad habit this week – one that causes me angst after the fact.  For those who don’t have an up close and personal relationship with Jesus, this may make you roll your eyes or shake your head.

Today I found myself reading, praying, doing things but I spent little time just in the Word reading, being still, and seeking God’s input.  Instead I filled it with good reading (some insightful brothers and sisters in the Lord who have a gift for writing), running errands for a greater purpose, praying and praising wherever I went today, and even treating myself to a rare treat – a homemade burger from one of the town’s “been there forever” cafes.  So what made me realize a “gap”?

There are, I have learned over the last almost 4 years, three essential elements to a cohesive, productive, and God-honoring day for me:

1.  Part I of prayer – before, during, and after my morning time with God.  This is a time for worship, praise, gratitude, asking, and confession.  It’s just me and the Father, remembering what He has done in the past, what He is doing in the present, and for whatever future plan He has in mind for me.

2.  Part II of prayer revolves around praying for others as specifically as I know and trusting God with what I don’t know.

3.  Reading the Bible – asking God to speak to me through His Word and the words of His servants.  This usually includes some reading, as mentioned above, of a couple of devotionals both on and offline.

Where the gap became blaringly obvious to me was in the third element.  It is a sometimes subtle thing.  I get into the devotionals and look up the referenced verses of Scripture.  However, what was wrong was the lack of focus and depth in my reading of the Word.  I skimmed and scanned and thanked God for the insight but I really needed the “meat” and I was only ingesting “liquids”.  I was suffering from lack of proper nourishment!

Please understand – I am often reminded and blessed by the insights of others in the written word.  But it can still be a problem when the emphasis is on just reading their words and referring to the Bible instead of the other way around.  If it takes the majority of my time and thoughts, I need to put the focus back on the majority of my time and thoughts being on the inspired Word of God – at least first and foremost.  The other books are adjuncts, not to replace, reading and studying the Bible.

And that casual approach did get me into the Word, but it was pretty shallow.  Honestly, right now in particular, I need to sink my roots deep into this source gift.  It is too easy to “slide” and while it was actually a pretty good day overall, it felt “lacking.”

For those of you who are married, you understand when there is a nuance/gap between you and your spouse; even between family members or roommates.  It’s not that anything is particularly wrong but if it kept up that way beyond the norm, there would eventually be an issue between you.

While rites and rituals are usually man-made, the idea of a set routine in starting one’s day with the Lord sets the tone for the relationship and the rest of the day.  Perhaps, like me, you have a specific quiet and private place every morning.  My schedule is pretty flexible right now so it may not always be at the same time every morning.  Yet, I know if I try to engage with others much before this time alone with God, the rest of the day seems a little off kilter.

And, for me, instead of stopping when I realize the “off-ness”, I try to fill that gap with activities, chores, reading outside books or devotionals, being easily distracted from keeping my eyes on the One who holds my life in His hands; my Creator, Sovereign God who should be first, center, and foremost of every thought, word, and action.  And just when I sit down to read, then a thought comes into my head of something I need to do, or get, and I am off to do/get it – another delay and distraction from my Lord.

I was reading in one of those “books” I spoke of earlier in a chapter about shoes and this author’s musings about those who don’t have them.  She talked about women’s obsessions with shoes – the perfect ones for every outfit.  Just for fun I went and counted the number of pairs I have – 8, counting two pairs of warm slippers and flipflop sandals.  I wear maybe 3-4 of the pair in a season.  Anyway, she ended the chapter with a question: What longing are you trying to fill by buying another pair?

Now, I don’t have a huge obsession with shoes – I know those who do.  But the point dovetailed wiith my post.  And it doesn’t matter what it is or who it is that stands in the gap, more than likely it is even subtly usurping Jesus’ place in our moment-to-moment lives and THAT can be dangerous.  It could be food, money, possessions, a person or persons in your life, etc.

The point to all of this is actually two-fold:  What you think about the most steers your life and actions, and what is so important that it replaces the hole inside that only God can fill?  Are you willing to rethink it or divest yourself of its grip on you?  For that matter, if it is just another purchase, how about rethinking it first – is it a need or want? Even a daily upscale coffee could fit here.  By NOT getting it and saving the money, could you help someone else? So as you go through the rest of your day and the rest of this week, just let it sit in the back of your mind.  Lots to think about.  Are you up for the challenge and possible change it will bring?



Sometimes it is hard to keep going – may seem like a dream will never materialize, that all one sees is shut (or slamming) doors, that whatever pain and ache is inside you will never end…

Unlike most people, no matter how fragile or unfulfilled I may feel, I have one great truth that keeps me going – God loves me and He is in charge!

I know some of you who read this will scoff and maybe even chuckle.  That is because you don’t know my God up close and personal like I do.  Over and over God has answered prayers and usually it is not in the way I expected or the timing but it is always perfect.  It is always the best answer for me.  When I look back at the time between when I asked and His answer, I see how all the threads have been woven into this amazing design for my life.  Can’t wait to see how the tapestry turns out!  Even just this section of it!

To persevere is not easy.  We want quick answers and gratification but, as the old cliche goes, anything worth having is worth waiting for – that includes people, circumstances, even things.  Taking our time in decisions whether purchases, relationships, or situations (how we think, speak, and act really ARE important) often proves the best approach.  Even when the decisions must be made quickly for some reason, just taking a moment to take a deep breath or two and thinking for a few seconds before taking action will help.  Another exercise I find helpful is to “rehearse” possible scenarios in my mind, prepping for those potential “emergency” responses.  I won’t be able to review all the potential aspects but it is like a job interview – when I go over it in my head, often the needed answer will present itself at a crucial time because I took time to think it over first.

To persevere in this blog right now is sometimes hard.  Not so much looking for the muse and wondering how much effect it is having.  Having to build readership from scratch is a goal but really, as I said in the “About” section, it is as much for myself – to remind me and keep me accountable and on task for the day and the future of my life whatever, wherever, and whomever it may be.

Persevering in good habits – health (as well as any good or new habit in all its facets), at times seems an “exercise” (no pun intended) in futility.  But I remind myself and hopefully you that every small element and step, every time I take a positive “step” builds upon the last and will eventually reveal all that I did to get there. I notice this even in taking time daily to read the Bible and pray, whether I “feel” like it or not.  That includes the steps toward my move (like scanning the ads daily, divesting of more “things”, keeping positive, preparing myself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually).

And while I am in a wait mode, there are things I can do to help others here and now.  Maybe it is providing a patient listening ear, providing things or money as God leads, a hug, a smile, sharing the Word, living this chosen life by example in word and actions as Jesus chose and walked this earth.

It is taking time to be thankful for all the details that I often unintentionally take for granted – friends, family, walking, breathing, my senses, the beauty of the world, clean water and air, safety, prayer (yes, prayer), food, books, the internet, the privilege of writing this blog, and God’s limitless love and grace, other believers and prayer warriors, clean clothes and body…feel free to add your own list to this one!

Keep on, keeping on.  Sometimes the road to anything, anyone, or any place seems long and without merit in my hopes and dreams.  Yet to give up would mean I have given up on life and God.  So, today I am moving forward one more step – looking to learn, smile, grow, and contribute – being, as always, present and aware in the moment and in the Presence of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Giving Our Best


We live in a “me” centered culture.  And we are so busy thinking about ourselves, our problems, our victories, jobs, families, possessions – we rarely look past our own little worlds with our blinders on.

No – this isn’t a posting about helping the less fortunate, although if each of us did even a small thing each day that direction…Just saying.

This is more a slight twist on all of that – giving our BEST.

Most of us are just trying to get through the day with as little drama and stress as possible.  Yet there is a subtle but important element missing, even when we have a fairly calm and happy day.

I am talking about bringing out and giving of the BEST in ourselves.  What if, for example, we treated our housemates or family as well as we do company?  What if we put out the good dishes to eat on every day?  What if we treated our significant others as though they were visiting royalty – every day?  How shocked would they be if we did?  Would they wonder about your motive?  Would they welcome it?

How about people at work?  The shops you frequent?  The people providing customer service especially in a tough setting (long angry lines, someone grousing about their perceived unjust treatment, etc.)?

I don’t know about you but I generally do not hop out of bed every morning just brimming with the intentional enthusiasm of giving my best to anyone or anything (not a fast morning person anymore – takes me awhile to ease into the day – no hopping out of bed – more like a slow slide).  What would happen if I worked at changing?

Things I think about as my personal “BEST” – a smile, calm, doing one little thing to make someone else’s day better, using the gifts and talents God has placed in my hands to the best of my ability.  What if every task I undertook today was as spectacular as Michaelangelo’s painting or sculpting?  What if I gave 100% on every interaction?

Okay, the thought of being that “good” almost nauseates me, to be honest.  But really, when it says in the Bible to give the best and “first fruits” to God, I realized that it implied more than just a harvest or my money.

Above I mentioned treating those in your household (and really everyone) like royalty.  Really? I mean, I always try to treat others well but like royalty?  It wouldn’t be so hard if I remembered the way Jesus treated people – with truth and grace, acceptance and love, giving completely of His sometimes exhausted and hungry human self.  He gave His best no matter what.  Even in His righteous anger, He still cared – He attacked the act and not the people for whom He was about to give His very life.

We have been treated that way by the Creator of Heaven and earth and (Grace and limitless Love). He does it every day all the time for us.  So knowing that we are children of the King of Kings really should affect the way we treat others.  It should affect the way we think about ourselves.

What if I gave my best while cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, caring for animals; anticipating and acting as if God Almighty was the one I was doing it for (and, by the way, He IS the reason for giving my best every day in every task, expression, and thought).  Instead of just mediocre, what if I thought, spoke, and acted like “There ain’t no lid on this jar” (to quote a favorite speaker of mine – Beth Moore)?  What if I went out every day looking for and finding the very best (in every person and situation)?  I am so not good at this yet but I try to be mindful of it.

I don’t wear make-up every day but it doesn’t hurt to get up, brush my hair, wash my face, brush my teeth, and/or take a shower before I interact with others.  I don’t dress up every day but I could put in my best effort to have on clean clothes (unless I am going to be painting or something) that don’t look like I slept in them.  Now in saying this last little bit, not all of us have access to more than one set of clothes, if that, be able to wash clothes, have a place to put clean ones, or iron or hang them up.  This write-up isn’t for those who are struggling in that way.

When you make your bed (or IF you make your bed) do you just pull up the covers roughly or haphazardly?  Do you just throw together breakfast or lunch for yourself and/or others or do you put a little thought and effort into it?  Maybe this sounds silly to you but just do me a favor and give it a bit of thought anyway.  Take an extra few minutes.  Maybe put a nice note in someone’s lunch.

Just saying – God doesn’t cut corners on what He does – neither should we.

When we put our best forward in everything and toward everyone for His glory, it will inevitably make our moments better; maybe even spectacular.

I realize this could jump into a whole different path of discussion but I just want to make sure I OVER-emphasize the point.  Smile.

And what is the best in me will be different for you – from giving 100% effort at work tasks to driving in a courteous and, yes, patient way.  From conversations in which you actually listen (and don’t sit there with the next words you want to speak already on cue) to noticing, appreciating, and complimenting others (how they look that day, that they put in extra effort on a task (bet you thought I meant at work – yes, work, but try again – I mean EVERY task, EVERY time with EVERY person).

Now I know none of us is or can be perfect at this but you might be surprised (I know I was) with what people will notice about you bringing the best of who you are into the interaction on a daily basis.  Actually you may be pleasantly surprised.  And even if they still groused or sulked, etc. you might find yourself happy in the moment because you KNOW you gave your best.