Inside Job

I have just been assigned new duties with the Board of Directors for LCSA.  Never thought I would be given the title of “Secretary” again but here it is in a legal, official capacity.  Feels a bit overwhelming but I have never backed away from a challenge.  The hardest part right now is to balance this with all that I need to do at home including work.  I am replacing the garage door opener, putting a new ozonator on my hot tub, and doing general maintenance.

I believe tomorrow needs to be a “stay at home” day to get a better handle on all that needs to happen so that I can be free to get a better handle on my official duties!  Whew!

So, here I go on Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride!

The most important thing to keep in mind, however, is taking time to listen quietly inside myself; to take my own counsel about what I need and want and to not let everything else overshadow it.

I am grateful for the involvement in such a stellar organization and to work with great artists.  There is no turning back though.  This is a commitment of time and energy that I must administer carefully so that my personal life doesn’t get lost.

All of us have “duties” in life.  Some carry more fun than others.  This one is fun, just time consuming.  Now if I could only find paying work!

Gratitude, belief, persistence.  Finding joy in the moments.  Realizing that in helping others get what they need and want will also help me in my personal quest.

So, today my key words are Balance and Focus.  What are yours?

“Visual Poetry”

This is the title of a photography book by Chris Orwig.  I’m working on my first cup of coffee and I happened to glance at my bookshelf this morning and the words seemed so appropriate.  Inspiration!

This terminology means different things to different people.  But, as is my norm, I’m going to see if I can give it a different twist for you this morning.

First of all, in breaking this down, “poetry” involves not only rhyming but haikus, free verse, and the way a person weaves the intricate threads of a story.  There are love sonnets, Dr. Seuss, and “poetry in motion” when someone accomplishes a truly wonderful physical task such as dance or gymnastics or, like my friend Mitchie Brusco, a 900 on the mega ramp.  I could go on ad infinitum but you see what I am trying to relate here.

Poetry is, to me, the perfect synchronous melding of mind, body, and spirit.  It is a moment that stands still.  It is words, thoughts, actions – resulting in beauty and form. It is seeing, hearing, feeling, and tasting a moment that stays in your mind always.

“Visual” is “seeing”; with your eyes and with your mind.  Visualization was used very successfully with Phil Jackson in his basketball coaching.  As such it was projecting what you see in your mind to your present reality.

Poetry is profound – whether a picture, a kiss, a physical project such as carpentry, written words, or an encounter.

It can be watching a child sleep, the “perfect outfit”, a brilliant idea or solution to a problem, or even watching a bird lift into flight.

Each of us has their own ideas in this realm but just for today – this is visual poetry to me.  It is seeing each moment in perfection – the good, the bad, the ugly – knowing that regardless of how I apply it, there is a poetry both physically and mentally to that moment.  It is the recognition that I am gloriously alive right now.  Aware of my breath, my senses, and my environment  I can create my own poetry just by being present in the moment.  Poetry is, in it’s basic form, life itself.

Poetry is the phenomenal way our bodies function.  It is looking into someone’s eyes and “seeing” their soul.  It is reading something so descriptive that you see the picture even though you weren’t there to see it.  It is making a meal, listening to music, smiling, hope, and touch.

So, the next time you think of poetry or visual poetry, don’t limit yourself.  Let there be an expansiveness to your thought.

See the imperfectly perfect, feel the breeze, experience the sun and rain, hear the laughter, someone completing a task – all with the intention of poetry today.  See if it doesn’t shift your perspective just a little bit.

Smile and revel in the moment.

Focused Intention

 I am working on something that has alluded me for awhile now. 

Meditation has been hard for me of late.  Couldn’t seem to get to that completely “quiet” state.  I couldn’t get to the needed “focused intention.”  Things don’t happen/move forward until that occurs for me.

The wonderful and amazing thing was watching my friend Jay paint an awesome picture. It never ceases to amaze me.  My circle of friends have such diverse and incredible talent to share.  Jay is even going to put some of David R’s writing into a book – transposing onto copper sheets.  So cool.  All very focused and immensely present.

Unlike them, however, I have allowed myself to get away from my priorities of selling the house and getting to Portland.  I find it interesting that I prefer the distractions of La Conner, the Gallery, and LCSA to the harder but much more needed things in my life.  Most people are the same – distraction over harder focus on what actually NEEDS to be done.

I keep saying I am unlike most people and yet here I am buying into “everyone else does it” syndromes.

Action is the antidote to concern.  And while I will allow myself this weekend of “distraction”, Monday (after my women’s group gathering), will be dedicated to putting in my new garage door opener motor.  I will also clean windows (much needed) and mop the floors that still have a bit of de-icer residue.  And then there is the paint touch-ups…

Feels better just getting this down online as it makes me accountable to others besides myself to accomplish these tasks.  Focused intention!

Taking small steps toward my goals will eventually culminate in the realization of those goals and the goals beyond them.  But if I don’t have clear goals, how can I have focused intent in accomplishing them?

I will take time to write down what I really want both in accomplishment and purpose.  When I do that, it will help me to clarify and take action.  No more hiding from the harder issues.

How will you focus your intent today?

Amazing and Wonderful Things

Each day as I start out, I send out gratitude for what I have, for the eagles, hawks, and herons, and for the amazing and wonderful thing that will happen to me that day.  It is always such a wonderful surprise!

Today it was meeting a man by the name of Peter Ali. He came into Jay’s Gallery on a recommendation.  While Jay was not there, I got to visit with him for over an hour and he played his flute for me (he is a native american – yaqui- flutist).  He has been through so much in his life (hard times)  and yet exudes complete happiness and energy as if he owned the world.  In a sense, I suppose he does.  He has, in his words, been humbled.

What impressed me was his willingness to share, to impart that amazing energy and spirit to me.  In a word, WOW!

I get jazzed in such immense presence.  Felt like we were friends.  And his all-encompassing hug was so strong and tranquil.

As I’ve said, my life has always been magically blessed.  This was just another case-in-point.  I was so happy to be included in his “aura”.  People like Peter are not common in any way.  They make your heart and soul sing just by their very presence.  When you hear their life story, you marvel at the depth and width of his joy of life.

Thank you, Peter.  What a wonderful gift – I feel honored to have been included in that incredible and brilliant few minutes that seemed to pass by in a second but will last my lifetime.  Thank you for the reminders of the preciousness of life, giving of oneself wholly, and to be present and aware in the moment.  You are unstoppable!

To Walk This Path

There is nothing so moving to me as the stories that surround the bond of parent and child.  The strength and courage it takes when a child is sick, been in an accident, or has taken a wrong turn is completely amazing to me.  And too is the support that springs from places that were unknown before. Unexpected grace.

I have witnessed incredible things in this realm.  For instance, a young child named Carter who is waiting for a heart transplant even as this is being written.  It has been a long haul and more to come.  Then there is another friend who’s son has been involved with drugs.  He has been clean and sober for almost 2 months.  The family has had to take a tough love approach and it has been hard on my friend, his mother.  There are others but I can’t discuss their situations even anonymously here.

I have no children of my own but I have close relationships with a great number of “kids” and young adults who feel every bit as much mine as if I were their parent.  I love them fiercely and should anything happen to them it would tear me up inside.  I would be there for them and be strong but my heart would break knowing what they (and their parent(s) must go through.

So today I send out love, prayers, good thoughts, and wishes for strength, courage, persistence, and wisdom for them and for their parents.  It is at times daunting, overwhelming, and chaotic.

For those who lose the battle, and those left behind, life is never the same.  It hurts too much at times to get up in the morning and put your feet on the floor.  You wonder if you can go on.  I have watched friends struggle at times to hold back tears and anger.

No one wants this – yet it is the reality for too many.  Each puts aside their own needs and wants to help this child survive and thrive.

And so, today, I would like each of us to contemplate this in the midst of other tough things we may face – lack of a job, lack of a partner, etc.  Let this thought be your perspective today.  If you can help in any way; moral support, money, time – do it!  If you are one of those parents, ask for help and then accept it.  People need to be able to help you and you lessen the gift if you turn it away.  Maybe it is just the offer to clean house for you or cook meals or drive you places as it is sometimes too hard to do even that task safely due to the emotional overload.

Be generous with what you can do to support others.  Today, make the world a better place by doing the right thing for the right reasons.

Artistic Impressions

I have stood in the presence of some of the great artists of our time and most are local.  Pickett, Small, Rolland, Bistranin, Bowen, McCauley, Soler – each has their vision and view of their medium that defies “competition”.  Someone stated it well the other day when they said each of the artists in Jay’s Gallery has their passion in each work.  There are no cookie cutter artists here.  And, I get a special perspective as I have met each of them.  Their work moves me more because of the kind of people they are.  To me, each of the works is more than just a piece unto itself – each represents a part of the soul which created it.

I believe that artists past would agree with me – impressions of the art and the artists seem to be one and the same.  What you see in the art, you can see in each of the artists represented here.  I can hardly wait to see what will arrive next!

I have discovered that spending concentrated amounts of time in the presence of great art is good for my spirit.  Here is energy, calm, and a whole host of human emotion and presentation.  There is healing here (which I have mentioned before).

It took awhile for me to appreciate art beyond a visual aesthetic.  While some people cannot express themselves verbally, they can do so through their medium.  I am blessed to have friends who can tell a great story (D and B), and others who can write so intensely, clearly, and with just the perfect descriptive words that will have you seeing the picture in your head.  I have friends who are martial artists, musicians, singers, and dancers.  Film makers, photographers, voice overs, digital, mosaic – the list goes on forever.

Each “feels” what they do with great passion and joy.  In these mediums they bare their souls, sometimes subtly and other times overtly.  They bring us closer to themselves and their message in this way.  Their communication is unique and charming and intense and it lures you in until you find yourself “hooked”.  It is most enchanting and at first seems easy.  And yet there is something very complex about an artist’s mind and heart.  They are not easy to get to know or to get close to either.  They need their space and understanding of their sometimes tumultous emotions.  They need to surround themselves with a circle of like-minded souls and their soul mate must be flexible and able to flow with them completely.  They need someone who “gets” them and their work.

They are a seductive group with their own language and intricacies.  One stands in awe when confronted by their acts of the soul.

So, the next time someone wants to “drag” you to a museum or a gallery, try going, in spite of your tilting toward boredom, and try to be open and “listen” to what the artist is communicating. Find a piece that appeals to you.  Study it and ask yourself why you like this piece.  You may say a color, the lines, the subject, or you don’t know.  But take the time to try to find out.  Then, if you are really brave, come back another time and look at the same piece again and ask yourself what you see or feel this time.  You just might learn something and you might just get hooked!  It might even inspire you to try something artistic yourself.

Forced Inspiration

Oooh – did that make you wince?  Forced inspiration.  Since I have not posted for a few days, this may make more sense in a minute.

For the last several days, due to some weird sleep pattern, I have been fighting aches and spasms in my shoulders.  Typing is not my friend right now.  Icing, hot tub, Dragon Natually Speaking (thank you, Nuance), and relaxation.  Hence, FORCED Inspiration.  Why Inspiration?

Well, when one cannot be terribly active, one tends to have more down time to reflect.  Can’t hold a book up (propping isn’t very effective), same with texting, etc.  So I can concentrate on my blessings and look to the little things around me.  It’s about gratitude in the small things today.  My manx cat snuggled next to my head purring, that my lower body isn’t involved so I can still do the Treadclimber, that I made extra tomato and basil sauce and put it in the fridge (little cooking is necessary), and unlike a number of people I know, I still have power (ongoing effects from lots of snow and wind).

Inspiration, in other words, doesn’t have to come from in-your-face bells and whistles going off.

When I am present and aware I notice things like my feet being warm, the soft and unique fur of both of my cats, how when the light changes through the day that the color on my walls subtly shifts, that the birds sing even in this less than ideal weather, and that I have a warm, safe place to live.

So, perhaps, even though this a short post, the thought would be this:  If you sit in one place for even five minutes and try to note all the little inspirations and gratitudes around you in the moment, your perspective may change – that change affects everyone and everything around you for the better, and others go on to reflect your five minute inspirational “boost”.  Wow, you just made a difference in the world not only for yourself but for the world and people around you.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained, my friends!

Inspired Spirit

I just realized this morning that I need to actualize the inspired spirit within.  When I get enough sleep, when I feel healthy and whole, when I see the light at the end of a “too long” tunnel, when dreams become reality; these are the “kick” I need to move forward.

Since I am the only one in my life that is available, it’s a tough haul.

I keep looking for some forward motion and my friend reminded me (by relating this about someone else) that I need to take action – it isn’t going to happen while I sit around and wait.  Yeah, it’s not easy.

In my pursuit of a steady income stream a program (which I did not pursue) nicely provided a great daily affirmations download.  Days like today, when I need a reminder that I am on the right path, that it is worth the push, that, with time and persistence I will see my dreams  come true.

There are days when even a positive and upbeat personality finds themselves feeling like a non-entity.  Yes, you heard me right.  I want a real reward waiting for me at the other end, not a maybe or a dream but the real thing.  It is then that I shine brilliantly in the world.

So, one might ask, how do you generate that reality?

Action, exercise, relaxation – these all contribute, as well as more water, eating healthy, and helping others.

Too vague?  Okay, today I am making cookies for a friend’s event, I am working on training for my income stream, and planning to do something fun with music to bolster my flagging spirit.  Most of all, listening to the affirmations and focusing on what and who I want to happen in my life – in detail, all the senses.  Dreams come true start with thought.  Think of all the great contributions in history – each thought it before it came to life, so to speak.

So, I will follow in the footsteps of the great thinkers, artists, and writers.  I will think it and then listen inside as to how to accomplish it.

What will you do today to move toward your dreams?

Inner Warrior

It’s that part of you that never gives up or gives in when things look bleak.  It is the part of you that keeps “fighting” because not doing so would mean abject failure or sadness or something else equally nasty.

I was sent the link to an interview between Tony Robbins and Alice Herz Sommer (108 years old).  It was amazing.  She survived the Holocaust partially due to her talent on the piano but also because she was, as she stated in the interview, “born an optomist.”  I emailed this to just about everyone on my email list – it is that important.   I also posted it to my Facebook Page.  Here is the link in case you missed it:

See I am one of those “my cup is running over” type of people.  I laugh a lot, look for the positive in each situation and person (but realistically, of course), and try to show people where negatives can be converted, mainly by example.  Alice is also one of those people – her light shines so brightly that I feel like a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming semi!

Today I had to access that warrior inside of me.  I was snowbound and feeling a bit blue about a certain person that I can’t be in contact with right now.  I was alone and looking for “sunshine”.

Visualization is the most helpful approach for me right now. That and taking action. And looking for the positive, the beautiful, the good in the world around me no matter what is happening in my life.

I have been lax in meditating – had the perfect opportunity to do it today and couldn’t seem to concentrate.  I found myself focusing on what I didn’t have vs. what I want.  Let me clarify.

Remember my mentioning (if you have been following my blog) about thoughts creating your reality?  Einstein, Alice (mentioned above), Judy (the friend who shared this link with me), the great minds, composers, artists – all of them have seen how important gratitude is in making things happen.  Einstein, for instance, took time to thank all the scientists who came before him that made his life/path possible.  Alice thanked all the composers who brought beauty to this world.

Yesterday I wasn’t grateful in the way that opened the doors I sought.  All I could see was sad little me sitting in my house, alone.  Then Judy sends this link – I am so ashamed of myself.  Here is a 108-year-old woman who survived and thrived in the Holocaust and I am whining about being in a warm house, with great friends and family, two soft purring cats, food to eat, clothes to wear…

Okay, this is a D’Nozzo (sp?) slap up the back of my head!

Today, I will move back to the basics that have gotten me this far, especially in the last year.  Today, I will send out thanks and positive energy and realize how very blessed I am to be walking this earth right this moment.

So you have a cruddy job, a home without love, beans to eat…You really are blessed. And if you take the time (even 60 seconds) to say thank you out loud for what you do have, you will find that things will start turning around today.  Keep it up and see where it will take you.  That is my goal today.  Find the positive, beautiful, happy in each moment, TODAY.

Will let you know tomorrow how it effected my life.


Today I am watching the snow fall again.  Most people stay home when it snows but I ventured out the last two days and mellowed with friends in LC.  Yesterday was breakfast with three great guys (I’m so lucky) – D, T, and J.  All handsome, talented guys in their own right.  And here I was, in their circle, watching the eagles hunting over the channel.  Smiles!

There is a fire in the woodstove (has a glass door so I can watch the fire), good books, reflecting, and relaxing.

The point is, every once in awhile, I feel the need to regroup and refocus.  This is one such day – as was part of yesterday.  Today I will spend with the cats and my thoughts, not with friends.  I will nap if I feel like it and shovel a path to the hot tub (nothing better than for the snow to be coming down and sitting in the hot tub).  I will take an umbrella (chose not to cover the tub with a roof as it would block looking at the stars) and sit ensconced and smile.

My thoughts are on many things but visualizing the house sale, the move to Portland, and a certain guy whom I hope to have a second try with one day are all on the very loose agenda today.

For right now, problems take a back seat and I am letting go to “free think” – no analysis, corrections, feeling guilty, or working too hard at it.  Just letting the thoughts flow.  Like my subconscious when I dream, this flow usually provides ideas, clears the way for “out of the box” answers, and allows me to see more clearly what is ahead of me.  It also gives renewed focus to the here and now.

So, I’m heading out back.  Phone off the hook.  Mellow.  Aren’t you just a little jealous?  🙂